Nothing is waste. Everything is essential. This includes human manure.
First, examine the broken nutrient cycle: you eat, you excrete, and your un-composted nutrients pollute waterways. Then, synthetic nutrients are hazardously formulated, sprayed across agricultural land (further polluting watersheds, for much washes away before being used), and you once again eat.
Now, examine the connected nutrient cycle: you eat, you excrete, your excrement is composted (which makes it completely safe, killing all possible pathogens), the nutrient balanced compost is then applied to agricultural land (because the nutrients are bound by the compost’s molecular structure, there is no polluting run-off), and you once again eat.
There are three key ways to compost and harness these essential nutrients:
The first, and with the most appeal, is to convert conventional sewage treatment facilities to composting, methane producing power plants. A community will then have access to safe, nutrient-balanced compost, as well as free electricity. For a case study on taking a city’s excrement to power production, email
The next most appealing method is in-home composting. In-home composting is usually a planned system prior to construction, but in some cases can be retrofitted. This includes a Clivus Multrum style composter that completely composts with minimal care.
The third, and for many, the least appealing but easily retrofit-able and affordable, is outside composting with in-home collection. This method is commonly referred to as a Sawdust Toilet, which utilizes an outside compost bin and an indoor collection toilet. Of all three methods, the Sawdust Toilet is usually reserved for the completely dedicated, conscious dweller. Choose the right method for you.