On Jan. 13, 2009, Yuldeson Associates, a leading-edge green building consulting firm, projected that “Green Building will continue to grow in spite of the global credit crisis and the opening economic recession”…with more people going green each year, and nothing on the horizon projected to stop this trend.
“There’s been cumulative growth in LEED projects, over 60% per year since 2006, with 80% in 2008; and there’s no sign that the green wave has crested.” In fact, the green building industry is projected to continue its growth by more than 60% in 2009! With the USGBC also predicting continued growth, with an estimated growth factor of 5 times; reaching $60 Billion by 2010.
On Jan. 21, 2009, the USGBC released their latest article stating that “70% of homebuyers are more or much more inclined to buy a green home over a conventional home in a down housing market” and 75% of builders and related professions say “the credit crunch will not discourage them from building green.”
What It Means For YOU!
With President Barack Obama, green building is projected to continue in this growth pattern for at least the next four years, with strong policy focus on green jobs in energy efficiency, new green technologies, renewable energy, and green building tax incentives.
New studies, such as the Center for American Progress study, show how green building investments on a wide scale can ignite the economy of the nation as a whole by helping companies cut costs and build sound financial situations.
And They Think Cars Consume Energy. Ha!!
Just consider this one fact: “The reality is the U.S. residential sector ranks as the single largest energy consumer in the world…at 1/5 of the total energy consumed in the U.S. each year…and homes worldwide, account for 25% of total energy use”.
With the built environment representing humanities largest impact on the natural environment, our families, and our communities; building green is no longer a fad, or a statement made by fringe environmentalists, but the new direction of our nation and the world.
It is of Paramount Importance. Are You Involved?